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August 12, 2004


Bob Boomsma

I'm sitting on my patio overlooking Northport Dr. in Madison, WI at 8:10 pm, Monday, Aug. 30, 2004, and the Buddy Lee on tour RV with trailer comes by and my eyes bug out of my head. So I google "Buddy Lee on tour" and find this and only two other references. I'm 48 and the Buddy Lee doll I got when I was 2 or 3 is on a shelf with my daughter's dolls. What's the Buddy Lee tour all about?

forest temple

hello, if you like buddy lee, then you might wanna check out his new show which airs on mtv during something called control freaks. the 1st one aired halloween night im told. i worked on a segment of # 3 which will air this december 5th at 10:30 pm central time. buddy lee was a rock star photographer and i was his current client. its mtv 2 and its going to be a funny bit. i never even heard of him, and hes older than howdee doody, i guess i was missing out, his antics are legendary.

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